My first novel was written as a birthday present for a friend. Since we were both into comic sci-fi at the time (think Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy) that's what I wrote, involving using virtual reality to explore the galaxy. The end result can be downloaded for free from Smashwords.
Later, while living in St. Petersburg, Russia, I decided I wanted to try my hand at historical fiction, mainly in an attempt to write a commentary of the book of Revelation disguised as a novel. (After all, if others can do that, why not me?) I enjoyed writing historical fiction so much, I decided to complete a trilogy of them!
There are now three titles in the Exegetical Histories series, all published by MST Press:
- The Ephesus Scroll explores what Revelation would have meant to the original hearers living towards the end of the first century AD. It is also available as a free download from Smashwords.
- The Corinth Letters looks at the letters of 1 and 2 Corinthians and explores the complicated relationship between the apostle Paul and the church that he founded in Corinth.
- The Rome Gospel examines the context in which the first gospel, the gospel of Mark, was committed to writing, with flashbacks into the book of Acts.
I also wrote a two act play on the life of King Saul, entitled Saul, First King of Israel. Unfortunately, this play has never been performed. If you happen to know a drama group looking for an exciting, new script, then please let me know!
All of my books should be discoverable wherever you buy your ebooks (including Amazon). In Australia, physical paperbacks are available from me directly.