
Way back in the early 90's I recorded an album in my bedroom on a borrowed 4-track tape recorder, made a few copies for friends and handed them out. As the 90's continued, I kept writing songs, some of which I performed live whenever I had the chance. Once I had a bunch of what I thought were good enough, I started thinking about recording a follow-up album. However, an opportunity never presented itself. Then the Esther musical happened. And then I basically stopped writing songs, since what was the point of writing songs if no one gets to hear them?

In my early forties I decided to use Audacity to record demos of these songs. And now, in my late forties I've started making music videos for them, with a similar lo-fi aesthetic. So check out my YouTube channel and enjoy a strange amalgam of mid-90's songs written by a twentysomething, recorded by an early-fortysomething, and performed by a late-fortysomething!

All of my music can be streamed at Soundcloud.

And if you are looking for do-it-yourself benchen71 merch, you'll find it here.