Official Book Launch Details

So what if the ebook has been out since September of last year.  Who cares if the paperback has been available for a couple of months…

I am pleased to be able to announce the details of the official book launch of The Ephesus Scroll!  It will be held as part of the regular Sunday services on the 1st of September at Diamond Valley Baptist Church.


The morning service starts at 9:30am and the evening service starts at 6:00pm.  I will be preaching at both services, using two excerpts from the novel to provide an overview of the purpose of the book of Revelation.

Then, after each service I will be only too happy to sell you a copy of the novel – and sign it, too, if you would like…

So come one, come all!

DATE:  1st September, 2013
TIMES:  9:30am or 6:00pm
WHERE:  Diamond Valley Baptist Church
309 Diamond Creek Rd, Plenty 3090 (Melway Reference: 11D7)

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