Monthly Archives: August 2013
One week to go…
Less than one week until the official book launch! This will take place at Diamond Valley Baptist Church at both the morning service (9:30am) and the evening service (6:00pm). I will be preaching at both services, using two excerpts from the novel to provide an overview of the purpose of the book of Revelation.
Then, after each service I will be only too happy to sell you a copy of the novel – and sign it, too, if you would like…
So come one, come all!
DATE: 1st September, 2013
TIMES: 9:30am or 6:00pm
WHERE: Diamond Valley Baptist Church
309 Diamond Creek Rd, Plenty 3090 (Melway Reference: 11D7)
What if the book of Revelation made sense to those who first received it?
Official Book Launch Details
So what if the ebook has been out since September of last year. Who cares if the paperback has been available for a couple of months…
I am pleased to be able to announce the details of the official book launch of The Ephesus Scroll! It will be held as part of the regular Sunday services on the 1st of September at Diamond Valley Baptist Church.
The morning service starts at 9:30am and the evening service starts at 6:00pm. I will be preaching at both services, using two excerpts from the novel to provide an overview of the purpose of the book of Revelation.
Then, after each service I will be only too happy to sell you a copy of the novel – and sign it, too, if you would like…
So come one, come all!
DATE: 1st September, 2013
TIMES: 9:30am or 6:00pm
WHERE: Diamond Valley Baptist Church
309 Diamond Creek Rd, Plenty 3090 (Melway Reference: 11D7)
An Extended Review
If you were wondering what The Ephesus Scroll is all about and (more importantly) if it’s worth reading, check out this extended review written by Darren Cronshaw:
(Thanks, Darren!)
The Ephesus Scroll on Facebook
Did you know that The Ephesus Scroll is on Facebook?
The page can be found at If you “like” the page you will be able to stay in touch with up-coming events and even the occasional give-away!
The Cover Images
For those of you interested in the paintings on the cover of The Ephesus Scroll, this post is for you!
Both portraits on the front cover come from Roman funerary paintings – also known as mummy portraits – dated to the second century AD. The portrait of the man is in the Manchester Museum. (There is a great article about this particular portrait here.) In full, he looks like this:
Some people have noted that this man bears a striking resemblance to me. That is entirely coincidental! It is supposed to be how Loukas, the main character in the first century time-line of the novel, might have looked like.
The portrait of the woman is in the British Museum. (This link should take you to her page.) In full, she looks like this:
To be honest, she looks a bit old to be Iounia (who I imagined was in her late teens.) But once you crop, you can’t tell! I also had to smooth out some of the cracks (the one on her nose was a little distracting!) And then both faces were cropped and joined together to create what I hoped would be an evocative image:
The painting on the back comes from here, painted by a St. Petersburg artist from the “Artemis” group. This one was also cropped (to match the size and shape of the image on the front cover). In full, it looks like this:
Finally, if I am being complete, I should also mention that the scroll fragment on the front cover is actually from a New Testament Greek translation (also known as the Septuagint) of the book of Joshua, dated to approximately 200 AD. It is known as MS 2648. (For more details see here.)
New Year’s excerpt from “The Ephesus Scroll”
St. Petersburg – January, AD 2006
The “Author Photo” Shoot
Just for fun, here are some photos from the author photo shoot. (Originally, this was supposed to be for my Facebook profile picture!) I did the photos myself, using our camera’s timer button, in our St. Pete apartment. So I had to position the camera, press the button, rush back to the sofa and get positioned. But it was even more difficult because I wanted to include our cat, Tiger. Here are the outtakes.
Here’s the one I eventually chose for Facebook:
But then, when it came to the author photo, I cropped out the cat and processed the result using Sagelight:
But I know (and now you do, too) that Tiger is sitting there right next to me!
Inspiration 3: Ephesus
Back in 2004 I was extremely fortunate to visit Ephesus. It was an amazing experience, one that really brought home to me that the events described in the New Testament have a real historical context.

Ruins near the Fountain of Pollio
(This is the sort of wall I imagined coming apart during an earthquake,
revealing the hiding place of the scroll to Dima’s great-great-grandfather.)

Domitian’s Temple
(Domitian gave Ephesus the right to build the first temple on Ephesus dedicated to a living emperor. In return, the people erected a 7m-tall statue of Domitian in the temple.)
Not long after this visit, I started writing The Ephesus Scroll. In fact, the first version of the opening was set in the present, with Dima and Natasha visiting as tourists. Much of that version is based quite heavily on my visit to Ephesus – although we didn’t experience an earthquake or find a scroll of the book of Revelation! (You can read that version here.)